Sunday, December 12, 2010

pressure vs. compromise

This final piece for this course has taken it's toll on me. I was very pleased with the work that I had done and the way which the piece was unfolding. it felt very natural and cohesive to me. I loved the way it felt like impressions were being put on the listener and nothing concrete was really played with the clusters. However my satisfaction with this had raised the bar for what would be to follow it.
I've worked very hard on the following section, and went through many ideas that just didn't seem to work. This would normally just be a matter of time, and working through for me. Normally when faced with this problem I would take a couple of days to come back fresh to the piece and see if I had any new ideas. Time in this case was something I didn't have. Therefor I had to just keep working away on it.

Ultimately, to fix this problem I made a slight compromise. I do enjoy what I have composed for the following section, however I know it is not as strong as it could be, however time dictates all. I do plan on coming back to this piece in the near future and making major revisions.

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